

Inspiration: Chalkboards

Yet again I find myself at the mercy of my guestroom. I h.a.t.e. this room. I have redecorated this room 3 times in 5 years. It never looks the way I want it to. I make the mistake of hurrying the process and do quick fixes that I end up hating in the long run. It drives Erik crazy because he says it is a waste because the room doesn't get used- except to hold our backpacking gear.

**Side note: why do house guests that are male and under the age of 30 sleep on the couch and not a bed??

Anyway, upcoming house guests are the motivation behind my latest itch to get the room in shape. I am working on the tiniest of budgets so whatever I do has to be cheap and a DIY project. I have wanted to update my childhood dresser and give the bed a headboard. Both involve some paint and labor but I have a week so I think it is possible. After searching the web I found these awesome inspiration pictures for the headboard dilemma:

One day when the room houses a little one, a chalkboard is a must in my eyes, so this could easily be adapted later on when the double bed is no longer. Plus I love the idea of guests leaving us a message. Heading to Ben Moore for some paint! Wish me luck that Erik doesn't flip... :)


  1. very cute idea. I thought of doing something like this in our last apt over our headboard. I imagined sweet messages every morning from my husband...which I'm sure would have been not as I had imagined.

    Your spirit stick comment made me laugh out loud. It's one of those things, if you didn't do it, it must sound so crazy. But at 16 I was allllll about it.

  2. I'm planning to make a little makeover next week. At first, I wanted to replace my bed into new one. But my mom told me that I shouldn't replace it, but instead I should tweak it. My dad promised me that he will fix the bed's legs next week. All he need is to buy 3 or 4 brass tubings. And I was also convinced not to replace my bed because of your idea. Thanks for posting this, man!


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