
The Places I go...

The blog world is a fun and overwhelming place. There is truly something for everyone. Whether it's home decor, DIY anything, mom's doing fun stuff, cooks, photography, or gardening, chances are if you have a hobby there is a blog for it. The thing I like most about blogs are that they are usually written by regular people doing regular things. It's nice to read that others have struggles with planting a veggie garden, or that I'm not the only person who is obsessed with throw pillows.

So these are some of the places I like to visit to see what's shakin':

The Cooks:

The Home Gurus:

The Creatives:

Please go visit them whenever you need inspiration and pretty things to look at and read.


  1. thanks for the shout-out! i love reading your blog too<3

  2. thanks so much for the link! how flattering! ;)


I would love to hear what you have to say, but comments may be monitored for those few who are 'Debbie-Downers'. This is a creative outlet, I'm no expert, I just like to show others what I'm doing 'round the house. Like it or leave it.