
Container Search

What is the use of organization if you can't figure out where to put things? The container is one of the most important tools in organizing. There are so many different varieties so you must keep 2 things in mind:
size and purpose. Blankets and linens need a much larger container than thumbtacks. But you also don't want to put your super soft satin sheets in a rough wicker basket! Here are my favorite containers for all purposes.

This would work best for magazines or file folders because of its tall sides and narrow shape.

For the linens in the closet. The soft fabric covering will help avoid snags.

DVDs and books would love a home here. The handles help you pull it off the shelf to sift through for the perfect movie.

Pens, scissors and staplers would fit well in the shallow long shapes of these bamboo pieces.

Your off season clothing would be seen but not forgotten in these boxes with windows.

Q-tips, hair bands, and lip gloss can be easily accessible but hidden in these round containers.

Your pantry or office supplies can be stacked- a space saver- but still visible in this transparent stacking shelf.

The best part about all of these products- They are all from Target people! The most wonderful and affordable place on Earth. Happy shopping!

1 comment:

  1. I like those bamboo pcs...bambootiful! Lovely new week to you~


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